Join us this
Sunday at 10am
Journey with Joshua and his motley band of Israelite nomads as they overcome their fear and press onward and upward into real and active faith.
There is so much more going on this amazing story than meets the eye…
Take your next steps @ Mercy Hill!
(It’s wicked easy, guy!)
We know that visiting a church for the first time can be overwhelming and even intimidating.
Look – we get it. That’s because we know that Jesus’ Church isn’t perfect. So, why not reach out to us ahead of time?
Maybe speak to one of our friendly Welcome Team members? Or maybe have one of our pastors contact you?
In any case, we’d love to do our best to put down the red carpet for your first visit to Manchester Vineyard. Click one of the three links below to get started!
Connecting people
to God,
to one another,
and to the world.
We believe that all humans are wired to express their unique design in three coinciding categories of upward, inward and outward. To have any chance of living the life God desires for us to live, every person on planet earth must be connected in three realms of life.
- Connected to God through a relationship with Jesus Christ and a growing experience of the personal and powerful presence of the Holy Spirit.
- Connected to one another like a healthy, vibrant family that looks out for and supports each other as we collectively and individually seek to live out the particular call of the gospel in and through our lives
- Connected to the world in love, service, and mission that seeks to bring the transformational truth of the Gospel to bear locally and abroad.
When we live our lives in this way, we experience a flow of upward, inward, and outward connection that ties our lives together with the way that Jesus lived his.
Check out our
featured events
Mercy Hill Church is all about reaching the communities and families of the Queen City. We want to love and serve the beautiful people of this beautiful city the way Jesus has loved and served us. One of the ways we do this is by planning a number of events throughout the year. Check out what’s coming up next and JOIN US!
Our Values ~
We are a Family of Faith…
…Reconciling People With God and All Creation
…Pursuing Culturally Relevant Mission
…Engaging in Compassionate Ministry
…Partnering With the Holy Spirit
…Experiencing and Worshiping God